How to create a content plan for your website (+ free template)

As a writer, you might often wonder how to keep your ideas flowing. Crafting a content plan for your calendar can inspire you in the long run and help you overcome writing burnout.

In this post, I'll explain how to create a solid content plan that has room to grow and evolve. Follow this step-by-step guide to stay productive and inspired 🤩

1. List Your Categories (and Stick with Them)

To focus on your niche, specificity is key. Start by listing the categories you want to cover. Equally important is documenting topics you don’t want to write about. It’s easier to add a new subject later than to remove one, so it's crucial to define your boundaries early on.

2. Don’t Overcommit Yourself

Consistency is vital for both you and your readers (and your SEO). However, it's tempting to commit to posting three times a week when you barely have time to write one. Believe me, it just won’t work. There’s no rule that says you must blog five days a week, so choose a frequency that works for you in the long run.

3. Write Down Your Ideas

Next, plan your content. Think about the articles you want to write and their order. Then, schedule these articles in your content calendar.

Always keep your audience in mind. What do they want to know? What would be useful or interesting to them? Writing with your audience's needs in mind will help you create content that resonates with them.

If you feel blocked, make a list of potential topics or angles to write about. This will help jumpstart your thinking and give you direction.

4. Assess the Time Required for Writing Each Post

Be wary of features that seem quick and easy but are actually time-consuming. You might set aside an hour to write something, only to realize later that it requires much more effort.

Some topics and features require more time, while others take less. Identify which ones are time-consuming and space them out to lighten your workload.

5. Reality Check: Can You Get This Stuff Done?

I’m notorious for making ambitious plans, often believing I can accomplish double what I’m currently capable of. However, completing everything will take time.

In other words, don’t bite off more than you can chew.

What Makes a Killer Content Plan?

After finishing your content plan, reflect on how it makes you feel:

  • Does it feel daunting? Choose content that excites you instead.

  • Can’t wait to begin? You’ve created a good content plan!

You are the source of your inspiration! If you’re bored with your work, seek inspiration that ignites your enthusiasm. If you can’t find any, it’s time to change your content plan.

Content Strategy

Creating a well-thought-out content plan is crucial for maintaining creativity and consistency. With these steps, you’ll be better equipped to keep your content fresh, engaging, and aligned with your goals. Happy writing!

If you want to start using a content calendar, I made a free template you can copy and adjust for your own needs. Feel free to grab it here: Content Calendar Free Template>


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