How To Optimize Your Images For SEO In Squarespace (In 2 Steps!)

Optimize images for the web

The images on your Squarespace site (and for all websites) play an important role in search engine optimization (SEO). It can improve the performance of your website and propel it higher in search engine results if your images are optimized. Listed below is a comprehensive guide to fine-tuning your images' dimensions and descriptors for SEO success.

Tips For Optimizing Images For SEO On Your Squarespace Website

When it comes to SEO for your Squarespace website, optimizing images is often an overlooked but crucial aspect. Here are some tips to help you improve your website's SEO through image optimization:

1. Name Your Files

Did you know your image files are another place to add keywords? Use descriptive file names that include relevant keywords. For example, instead of "IMG_12345.jpg," opt for "best-website-design.jpg."

2. Add Alt Text:

Alt text is important for accessibility and SEO. Describe the image using keywords relevant to your content but keep it concise and informative.

3. Optimize Image Size

Large image files can slow down your website. Resize your images to the dimensions required by your website theme to improve loading speed.

Just look at all of this space! 

First Step: Resize Resizing

Use an image editor to crop and resize your images. There’s no good reason to upload huge images to a blog post - instead, use tools like to minimize the size easily.

Second Step: Optimize

Even post-resizing, further compression may be necessary. Platforms like or facilitate this process. Upload your resized image, compress it, and re-download the optimized version for website integration.

It Only Takes Five Minutes

While seemingly minor, image optimization holds immense potential for enhancing SEO performance. By incorporating image optimization into your SEO strategy, you can improve your Squarespace website's visibility and performance in search engine results.


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