8 Types Of Blog Posts For When You Run Out Of Ideas

Not sure which post type will be a good fit for your next blog post? There are many different blog post writing types available to you. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re unsure what post-type style to use for your content, read on, and don’t forget to save it in your favorites!

8 Popular Blog Post Writing Types You Can Choose From

In this post, we’ll go over eight different types of popular blog posts so that you can decide which is suitable for every content idea you might have.

1-How To (Tutorials / Step-By-Step Guides)

People are using the internet to look up things they need help with. Be that post they are looking for, and write a tutorial post!

How-to and tutorial blog posts are great for providing readers with step-by-step instructions on how to do something. These blog post types are probably the most popular on the internet too.


Very search engine friendly; People often use search engines to look for how to do something, so if your post appears in the search results, it could get a lot of traffic.


Some how-to and tutorial blog posts could take a long time to write.

Pro Tip:

Make sure each step is straightforward and contains easy-to-follow instructions. Also, don’t forget to take photos of each step and include them in your post. Also, be honest; If your readers follow the steps outlined in the post, they should be able to achieve the desired result.

2-Lists Blog Posts

The list blog post type is a popular choice for many bloggers. This type of post typically includes a list of items, tips, or ideas. Lists are fun, often easy to write, and super digestible for readers. I love learning through lists.

Have you noticed that this blog post, for example, is a list? I see you’re getting the hang of it!


Easy to read and digest; Readers can quickly scan the list and find the information they are looking for.


Due to their popularity, it could be challenging to develop fresh ideas for lists.

Pro Tip:

Resist the temptation to list everything you know. Readers may find it difficult to read the post, resulting in an overwhelming experience.

3-Interview Blog Post

It is always a pleasure to read a good interview—one that is interesting, informative, and perhaps even inspiring. The Interview blog post is a great way to share someone else’s story with your audience. It allows you to showcase someone else’s expertise and offer your readers a chance to know them better.

Writing an interview post in your blog might increase your blog traffic, especially when the person you are interviewing has his own audience; They could share your post on their social media channels, helping your blog get a new stream of visitors.


Using interviews to introduce your blog to a new audience can boost blog traffic. In addition, this post may appear on Google as people search for information about this individual and pump into this post.


It can be time-consuming, and you may not always be able to get the person’s consent.

Pro Tip:

Give your questions some thought. Do a quick search of the interviewer’s name along with your question. Ask yourself if you can already answer your question. If so, dig a little deeper, and try coming up with new exciting angles to write about.

4 - Before & After

The “before and after” blog post is a great way to show off the results of your work. Due to its visuality, it can be very motivating and memorable for readers.

When I think of before, and after posts, DIY posts come to mind immediately. Vintage dressers get a new life in the nursery, or a fixer-upper becomes a dream house. I tend to save the photos on my favorites because they are always inspirational for my projects.


I am especially fond of before + after photos because they are very inspiring. Also, it is the quickest way to create a blog post out of two images.


It could be time-consuming to put together, and it may not suit all topics.

Pro tip: The quality of your photos could make or break your post’s success; they must show a dramatic change to be engaging for your readers.

5-Photo Driven

Photos are another way to tell a story, teach, or illustrate a text-based post. Even if you consider yourself a more substantial writer than a photographer, this is a great way to challenge yourself to think about your blog content differently.

Photos can be very visually appealing and can help readers connect with the story on an emotional level. They can also be an excellent way to share information that would be difficult to convey with words alone.


If done well, photo-driven blog posts can be a powerful and effective way to communicate your message.


Photo-driven blog posts rely heavily on images to tell the story.

Pro Tip:

If you want to include many high-quality photos, you will need to spend time editing and arranging them in a way that makes sense.

6-Advice Article

An advice blog post type includes a heavy dose of personal experience. Sharing your experience and what you learned (maybe even how you would do it differently if you had the chance) can make a massive difference in other people’s lives.


Additionally, advice articles can be a great way to build up your credibility as an expert on specific topics.


You can’t advise about something you don’t know about or haven’t experienced in some way firsthand. Also, keep in mind that giving bad advice could harm your blog’s credibility.

Pro Tip:

If you offer sound advice, readers will appreciate it and be more likely to come back to your blog in the future.

7-Product Review

A product review blog post is an excellent way to monetize your content. If done well, they can persuade readers to purchase the product and help you earn a nice revenue through an affiliate program. You can review a product or two leading competitors and list their top pros and cons.


Product review blog posts can be an excellent opportunity to share honest feedback about a product and help people make informed decisions before they spend their money.


Readers may not always appreciate being sold to and may not read the post if they feel it is too promotional or biased.

Pro Tip:

Be honest and write a review you would appreciate receiving before purchasing a product. It will help you build credibility with your readers and gain their trust.

8-Guest Blogging

The difference between an interview and Guest blogging is that your guest will write the entire post (instead of answering your questions). Letting someone guest post on your blog is beneficial because you can deliver a fresh perspective on your industry, product, service, etc. There


There are multiple benefits for both you and the guest blogger. It Connects you with a new audience, gives a fresh perspective, increases your networking opportunities, and perhaps most importantly, Keeps your content calendar on track without actually creating new content.


If you’re just starting out, and your blog hasn’t got a high authority, it might not be easy to convince someone to write you a blog post.

Pro Tip:

Be sure to submit blogging guidelines to your guest writer so that they have everything they need to keep up with the tone of your blog. Remind your guest blogger to avoid self-promotion and focus on education.


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